ELECTRIC EELS - Agitated 7” (AgitatedRecords) Yes, finally a repressof this fantastic classic! “Agitated” is so backwards, and angry and amazing.This belongs in everyone’s collection. A true masterpiece. Agitated (the label)has done a great job too, looks and plays great! (Thomas)

F.U.2 –Punk Rock LP (1-2-3-4Go!)So the story goes that this guycalled Terry Clemson put together a studioband to record a punk LP probablyaround 1977 or thereabouts under the name of F.U.2  and enlisted some members from the Downliners Sect. Throughthe years people have called it the secret Sect album however as Clemson statesin the liners, it never was. Anyway, a description like the Downliners Sectwriting punkrock songs and playing punkrock is not really far off the mark.Really simple punk riffs but riffs that are definitely grounded in the 60’s andthe harp really adds some spice. Elements of the album also have a feel ofmodern garage rock. Maybe it’s that mix of the 60’s and 70’s sounds. ”Mean EvilChild” is my favorite but this album is fun and solid. ”I’m born to be wild cuzI’m a mean evil child” kinda says it all really. (Martin)

GINO & THE GOONS - S/t 12” (SunWrayRecords)Incredibly charming andbackwardsthinking lo-fidelity garagepunk! Think Supercharger and you’re close.Impossible to not like, good songs and great sound! Limited to 300 copies soact fast! (Thomas)

GOLDEN PELICANS - S/t 7” (Total Punk) Great garagerock withtons of energy and nice hooks. “Jump in a lake” is a hit! Think this is Richwho does Total Punk’s band. Check ‘em out I’m pretty sure you won’t be sorry ifyou like raw-sounding, pummeling punkrock. (Thomas)

HANK WOOD & THEHAMMERHEADS - S/t LP (Toxic State) Fantastic LP of what isnow said to be a defunct band (but one listed show in NYC in April, so theremight be a chance!) Hard to describe their sound, kinda like Black Flag butcovered by Teengenerate.. I dunno! It’s fucking great is what it is. Must notbe passed by! (Thomas)

HANK WOOD AND THEHAMMERHEADS – Go Home LP (Toxic State)This LP was on a lot of best of 2012 lists from theTerminal Boredom staff so I got a bit curious. I listened to a track on the’net but it didn’t really get me going and I didn’t think I’d really like itcuz I haven’t been getting off on that kind of punk lately. Like that Video LPfor example. I never could get really into it. Anyway, my brotha played me atrack from the LP which I liked so I bought it anyway and boy, is this great!.The only way to describe it is that it’s hardcore for garagepunks. Totallysparse tough lyrics that are delivered with a snotty and still adon’t-take-it-too-seriously attitude. 10 songs that spin on 45 rpms. Shortrecords rule and also sleeves that aren’t printed on the glossy side. You alsoget a poster. Great package, great songs, great band, great record! They kindamake New York feel tough again and that’s quite a feat!!  (Martin)

NATURAL CHILD – Hard In Heaven LP (Burger)Ouch! This album’s prettygreat. These three guys from Nashville or thereabouts got the boogie. TotalCreedence, Rolling Stones worship but still coming out of the garage in a greatway. They got the chops that’s for sure cuz they play just the right amount ofnotes to keep things good. In some way I feel this is related to the Clap albumin vibe or maybe the Neckbones to name a moder band. There’s only nine songs onthis LP but that’s not too much and just enough to keep it interesting all theway through. A couple of rockers, a few slow numbers, a soul-infected stomperand to top it all off a fantastic country rambler in the best Gram Parsonstyle. And they have that snotty, good-time, respectless (in a good way) relationto their influences which keeps this punk in spirit. The sound is perfecttoo.  I love it! (Martin)

PAINT FUMES - Uck Life LP (Slovenly)It’s been said that these guys are going for a90’s vibe a’la the Crypt sound I guess.. They do it pretty good too, productionand soundwise this is cool. What’s lacking a little is the songwriting. Thisalbum is leaps and bounds better than their debut 7” though, so they’redefinitely going in the right direction. Thinking this is a little more Demon’sClaws in vibe this time, which is always cool. For fans of the aforementionedbands and lofi punkrock in general. (Thomas)

TACO LEG - Printed Gold 7” (RichieRecords) Been hearing good stuffabout these Aussies and this sounds pretty damn cool. Weird, off-kilter andcool. Much like locals like UV Race for example. On Richie so you know it’ssell out sooner rather than later. (Thomas)