WladimirMalaga, head honcho for the Nasty record label and drummer for themighty noisemachine that is the Fatals was kind enuff to give us ashort lowdown on whats going on in the south of France and inparticular Perpignan and Toulouse.
Give us a quick introduction to the Perpignon-scene.Well,how to make a short summary about the Perpignan scene? First you haveto know Perpignan is a little town (100 000) in the very south ofFrance near the sea and mountains, its a town for the old rich peopleand there is no place for youngs, parties and rocknroll All begunwith the Beach Bitches the first rocknroll band around 1992 We were20 years old and it was the only solution to move, have fun, makeparties The Beach Bitches were Ghippy vocals, Lionel and Nico guitars,Will bass and me drums..) Then, came side project bands like the ToxicFarmers (Ghippy, my brother and 2 guys more), the Rippers (Nico, Marcoand Eric), the Human Potatoes (Will, me and 2 others guys) In fact with10 guys, it was four bands with lot of parties, fun .the youngerdiscovered rocknroll and began to form their own band (the MightyGo-Go Players ) In 1999, I left Perpignan to move in Toulouse, threeyears later Marco, Will and Eric arrived in Toulouse .The Beach Bitchesdisbanded and Nico formed the Sonic Chicken 4 .Marco, Eric and meformed The Kung Fu Escalator, then we found Vince from Les SecretairesVolantes (Quebec) and with Marco, Will and me, we began the Fatals.That was one year ago .. We stay all connected Toulouse / Perpignan(200 kms)
What made you decide to put out these records yourself onthe Nasty and Profet labels? The Toxic Farmers single was recorded wayback in 97 - How come you decided to put it out (besides that its agreat single..)?For the Label, all began with the Jack o Fire records On theback side is written What are you doing to participate ? Eric and mewanted to participate and we put out the Toxic Farmers It was anattempt and we wanted a old band (no matter if the 7′ wasfailed/rotten) Then we put out The Fatals, the recording was terrificwith a new band .Pierre Go-Go man (Mighty Go-Go players) in Perpignanwanted to form his own label Profet Record to put out his own music
You seem to be influenced by bands that could be on Crypt orIn the red - Is that so? What are some of your fave bands right now(past and present)?Oblivians, Reatards, Blacks, Evolutions, Superhelicopter, Scat Rag Boosters .
Whats coming up on your labels? Will the Fatals return with more new stuff soon?Well about news, a new fatals 7′ on P-Trash Record will beavailable soon (we hope mid july) .Now we have to record forYakisakana, Ronan is interested and he wants to put out a Fatals 7″ atthe begining of october .For the label Nasty Product, the next releasewill be a 7″ / 4 tracks / 200 copies only, by the Sonic Chicken 4 avery primitive trash garage from Perpignan (friends of us) I want alsoput out a 7″ of The Kung Fu Escalator, a side project by Marco, me (TheFatals) and Eric a friend It sounds a little depressive trash bluesdrunked I let you imagine